Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Nearly 2013

 Assalammualaikum and hello lalalili :P

  Its been like 6 months (or more?) since my last post back to June. cool yeah? I keep finding some time to switch on the laptop and start to write (act no). So its plenty of thing I should write then. So yeah, its December now. November 19. I really have a blast during the whole year. Alhamdulillah. New friends, old friends. Its life. 

July-My 16th birthday
Its glad to know that everyone remembered my birthday and thanks a lot for the cake and the suprise. 4 Muhriz did this suprise and I felt awful at first but then it turned out so gooood. They even sang birthday song to me, incuding Teacher Maznah. Chinja gomawo!

November-Final Exam
Okay, I can't really recall what happened during the whole august, september and october. lol. this is funny. So,we had our final exam during the November. It was actually on the October but they literally postponed it to the November for I dont know what kind of reason. Everyone knew I'm not the nerdy-type-of-person. ammm, I actually studied a day before the exam, like seriously. BM was like boy its too challenging for me. ohoks. People were like laughing at me coz I dont know what is "fasal". k fine. All the science stream subject were like hell susah gila especially the addmath and chemistry. You know I never like chemistry and I dont think I studied it even before the exam. oho. be cool. lalala~

October-Results Came Out
hoho. We were waited for it like too long and it finally came out. During my days in Kajang with my nenek, I checked for it for like everyday. seriously, tak tipu. Because I was so eager to know what the hell is happening with my result.oho. so i think in the 2nd, farra tweeted me and asked for my result. So, I checked it. And it was a yes for me. Alhamdulillah. I never thought it would be like this. I am this shock because I dont even study like hell so hard, coz as i said I studied a day before exam. Am i sounded berlagak? sorry for that. I got 7A 1B 1C. and the C is obviously Chemistry. haih. And the B is BM. lol its BM. I'm so happy and grateful for my Addmath which I got 85%. Alhamdulillah. I know I didn't get a better results compared to my brother, but I'm still grateful for it. As for his addmaths, he never get below 90%. hmm. Rezeki along. He always dapat whatever he want. tetiba cakap pasal along dah takde mood :'(

TADAAAAA so till then, goodbye! Assalammualaikum. 

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